ALhamdulillah it has been more than a week we celebrated our victory after fasting for a month in the Holy month of Ramadhan.
For the first time, ever, i am celebrating not with my parents, celebrating thousands of miles away from home. Indeed it is an exciting experience to celebrate it with new people.
Oh and the best part is...I have the chance (after at least 5 years) this time to celebrate this Syawal with my eldest brother and celebrated for the first time with Sister in law.
They made pelita. :') |
Cooked together with sister the night before, oh and, in UK they announce quite late about when is the eid, like after Asr, usually in Malaysia we could be sure when is our Eid though the announcement has not been made. Cooked Kuzi (kelantan sweet curry) just like what mama would do, Rendang and kuah kacang. I have a new curtain for my rooooom yeay! Its like giving a new life to my room. Psst, actually its my brother's workstation, its my room during the weekends or when I go back to their place. Feeling loved! ♥_♥ #
Went for the Solat Sunat Aidil Fitri in Malaysia Embassy, could see actually how big the population of Malaysians in London. Most of them are working people with their family and Post Grad students. Undergrads student mostly are in Malaysia enjoying 'summer' in Malaysia. Anyway... I didnt go to Ambassador's house for his open house. Perhaps thats a thing that I have missed. But I dont feel that bad.
Living in London, in such a big city, its hard to be close with the Malaysian community, you can, but its not that easy, we live not so near (cost of living) and London is just so big. All is well.
Anyway, spent the weekend away from London, drove south down to Portsmouth to ever loving close friends of my brother and sister, spent a moment there, thank God there was Lemang and i felt so close with them already because they have been visiting us for quite some time. continued the journey up North to Coventry for a open house and shoot to Leeds. Basically 3 open houses in a day in a different state (that is not that near to each other)
Alhamdulillah, stopped by at the last stop for the day, brother's friend who is a medical doctor and he is finishing his PhD. Its just amazing how hardworking some people can be. I mean, he's already a Med. Dr. and he still would do his PhD. Ended our day with ever delicious ayam masak merah and teh tarik terbaik ( i mean reeeeally good and Kak Ira really knows how to cook)
Day 2 in Leeds. Breakfast at Double Dr (in syaa Allah) house and shoot to a carboot sale in York. Its a very calm state. Love the wheat fields along the road. made me missing nestum back at home. And stopped by at factpry outlets and York town centre. I dont know much, but i adore the classic architechture with the castles and Minster Abbey. Ended our day with Gulai Kurutuk with nasik putih and kak ira made kopi kapal api. Malaysian style ;)

Day 3 in Leeds. Nasi Lemak, again at their house and had a tour around University of Leeds, where they study, its a very nice place to study. Mixture of old and new modern buildings, with wild cherries, with gigantic pillars library, i just love it. Probably because I am just studying in a college which is in a city of London and that means its just a block of classes, with no compound. Ended our tour by visiting this Malaysian family in Leeds, Kak Amy and Abg Man whom served us with delicious roasted chicken ( now I am hungry :( ) They are so nice. Random people who are so welcoming.
Alhamdulillah, to every stop, in syaa Allah have learnt valuable lesson,
to see how they survived in this country, to earn extra money, how they see things differently, how they correct other people's view.
P/s: 5 months, and the home sick feeling kicking in.