Yeay ! Alhamdulillah. Finally after...Almost 3 months struggling with books classes settling down and what not, the exam is now finally over! i can rest for about 2 months ! :D
So the highlight for my three months here :
Went to London Eye with my lawyer Azlyn, and London decided to welcome us with pouring snow! |
Azlyn's taste right now. Gosh you've changed:O I guess as time goes by, this would be one of the things that would made us laugh. |
Ehek, My view to class. |
Easter Day celebration, Lookie lookie look who's here! My own Hana ! Finally she agreed to transform !:p |
Easter Day celebration, Hello lookin good there with ciggies in your eyes. |
Went to city of London and experienced my first snow! Snow in almost April, that's weird.
Tempat bergantung. Tempat menangis, tumpang peluk. Tempat bercerita tak henti henti. |
Tempat bergantung versi kedua. |
Mama and Ayah came and my life was perfect for a moment. I miss them every second of my life.
Thank God there's a technology called Skype and free internet call.
Oh and Azri has started working though he had few stitches after i left Malaysia. He was thinking how to quit his first job, and fell off the bike. and Surprised by his sister's whatsapp showing his beautiful leg before being stitched. So beautiful. So fresh in my mind. and offered another job, looking forward to a tanner Azri but he's so skinny perhaps going to the gym would be good. Can't remember he's this thin.
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